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About R.E. Ellison

Hi my name is Robin. I am Tennessee Born & Raised and I want to be your next District 8 Senator. Why? Because WE need someone that will stand up for US.

I am that person. I believe in the values my family taught me, and they have served me well throughout my life. We were taught manners and courtesy back in the day, and I'd like to see] that come back to Tennessee. The cursing and mudslinging has become totally unacceptable in our society. This Negativity has to STOP, and we have to get back to being Americans all on the same team.

Regardless of obstacles, my childhood was full of love, and I only want my family to be proud of me always. I loved growing up in Tennessee. I remember visiting my mom (in Hartford, they raised tobacco, tomatoes and chickens) and laying in a clean chicken house with hundreds of baby chickens crawling all over you, little yellow cotton balls. Would a kid even go into a chicken house today? I remember getting up on Saturday and going to play; and only if I got hungry would I go home before dark. I remember being able to play outside without worrying about being kidnapped and put into the sex trade. I remember playing with a box because we used our imaginations. I remember high school, where I think I was bullied, but not sure it could be called that since I ignored them and went on with my life. I remember 4-H, FHA, Cheerleading, Beta Club, and all those organizations that I belonged to made me empathetic toward others. FHA & 4-H State Conventions are where I learned skills that I would use my whole life, unlike Algebra .

I was taught to take responsibility for my actions, say sorry when you're wrong, and make world better for the next generation. Starting at 14, I worked summers for the State of TN Human Services, which made my feelings against child abuse very strong, and rightfully so. I worked at PayLess shoes through high school. I had to work several jobs while going to college... and yes, I paid for my education. But the government helped me because I was emancipated at 15, with no financial help from my parents. Those programs are critical for our people who want to pursue their dreams and just don't have the means.

I went out into the world in 1981, starting in Atlanta with my computer science education. I worked for some really big companies over the years, like Delta, Ford, Chrysler (My team successfully ran Y2K global rollover). I worked for a few mid-size companies, too, such as T-Drill, The Weather Channel, Heeney Co (floral wholesaler).

I moved back to Tennessee in 2001 and chose Seymour as my permanent home. Every day, I'm grateful that I feel safe and have great neighbors. I have been suffering multiple physical conditions, disabled and living on Social Security that I paid in for over 35 years, almost always 20% per year with no deductions. Be Aware, Republicans are backing the idea of cutting Social Security and Medicare (look up for yourself). We don't need less help; WE just need better leadership. I have nothing to gain but the respect of my community for doing the correct thing for our citizens. Money is not my motivation, People are.

My favorite quote: Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!"